Saturday, 30 May 2015

Saturday Mornings

Saturday mornings are our "young dancer" mornings.  Both my girls dance, but Emma has graduated out of the young dancer program at the dance studio, so she dances Monday nights in 2 genres.  The end of year performance is upcoming and all the dancers are working hard to make everything look beautiful.  Rose really enjoys watching the graceful teenagers rehearse and perform.  Kingston School of Dance is a great non-competitive dance school that concentrates on each person and their personal achievements.  I hope the girls decide to continue with dance for a few years yet, but I know it may not be so.  They are both strong minded individuals and I'm sure they will let me know, in no uncertain terms, when they are "done" with dance.

Strangely neither daughter has expressed an interest in sports.  Emma talks about her friends who play soccer, or do gymnastics, but she seems to have no inclination toward sports - or at least not yet.  I suspect when gym classes become more about sports and less about tag that may change.  She goes to a small school so I feel if she wants to play a sport she may not have a hard time getting onto a team.  I remember playing soccer and basketball in elementary school - I only made the teams because they needed everyone who expressed an interest.  I had fun, but sports are not really my thing, so they come by it honestly!  But I sit at dance and I watch all the dancers and I think I should enrol myself as they all look so graceful and beautiful.


PS - I'm not sure why the text is all centered, but I'm still figuring out this Blogger thing, so bear with me!

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