Friday, 29 May 2015

Kids and Food

I don't know about anyone else out there, but my kids are really weird eaters.  And I don't just mean food choices.  Tonight we had the noodles cooking and the sauce heating and Rose knew all this but asked "can I eat something before?"
"No Rose, you have to wait for dinner."
"But I'm hungry right now!" in that perfectly whiny way all kids perfect at some point. "I want letters in a bowl!"  (She means Alpha Bits)
So I give in and she eats a small bowl of dry Alpha Bits, with some help from Emma.  Then she asks for more "but with milk."
Cereal isn't going to hurt her, so I say "Ok, but you still have to eat your dinner," and we put out the watermelon she usually eats with cereal in the morning with it.  (She definitely had some of that too.)
"Ok, I will."
When we look back both the girls have a spoon and are eating out of the same bowl of cereal and milk.
"Emma, why are you eating out of Rose's bowl?  If you want some you can have your own."
"But this one is already here," she says.  Kid logic, right?  So they just happily keep eating out of the same bowl.

Cut to dinner time (about 5 minutes after they ate the cereal) and Emma is whining about wanting to play Play-Doh and they both seem to have forgotten we haven't actually eaten dinner yet.  But, lo and behold, they both eat spaghetti like champs.  Rose had a bowl of noodles with sauce and a bowl of noodles with butter and Emma ate a bowl of sauce "on the side, Mommy" which she then drizzled over her first bowl of noodles with butter.  Then she continued on to have another bowl of noodles with butter and ate a decent portion of the meat sauce out of the "side" bowl.  Why they couldn't have just waited that extra 15 minutes I will never know.  I guess I just don't remember being a kid and being SO HUNGRY that you just can't wait.


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