Over the holidays we were discussing household things, what we'll keep up with (dance, maybe try skating more this winter, and other free community things), and what we might not. Sadly Emma's Mode Elle stuff is (or was) teetering on the edge. The idea there was "if we don't get her actually doing anything with it we won't pay the $$$ to keep her registered there."
Well today I received an email from Charline at Mode Elle. Emma has an audition on Friday! Of course it's in Toronto, and at 6:45pm it means we have to take her out of school early. Not really a big deal, and at least it's Friday so not much worry about her staying up too late!

I don't know if this audition would then include shooting the spot as well, or returning at a later date to actually "do" the work. It would be amazing if it was all done in one go. We're not lucky enough for that to be the case, though!
I will try to post a follow-up after they've been through the process. I'm dying of curiosity myself about what goes on. I know "Dad" won't get to see her audition but at least he can get her impressions right away. I'll likely have to wait til the next morning, as I might be in bed by the time they get home!
I really hope Emma enjoys this opportunity. Whether she "lands the role" or not, quite frankly, is irrelevant. She has increased her confidence like crazy since taking the course at Mode Elle. She has also expressed a growing interest in theatre which is great since we have a great theatre community here. Being at the Tett Centre every week (usually twice a week) has allowed us so expand our knowledge of community theatre groups and other artistic things that go on around town. I want very much for Emma to expand her horizons, and explore things that are interesting to her.
So stay tuned - I will follow up in some fashion with another post. Until then, wish us luck - not only with the audition, but the travel time too!
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