We did have a lovely party for family and friends (it was more an end-of-summer party for us than for Emma, but she did get gifts from grandparents etc.) She enjoyed that party, and I did invite some of her friends but not many came by. So this year we decided to throw a Halloween birthday combo party.
It's getting hard to ask her to narrow down the guest list. She has one boy best friend and then every one else she invites is a girl. I have no issues with that, but sometimes she thinks she should invite more boys (after we've discussed all this and created the invitations). And some years she leaves out people I would have totally thought she'd ask. It's so interesting what goes on in their young minds.
We are pretty much all set. Costumes are decided on, house and yard mostly decorated, cookies are baked (but not yet iced - job for Friday night or Saturday morning), snacks decided on (but not totally purchased), loot bags created and living room fairly tidy.
The party is Saturday. We are expecting 9 or 10 kids plus my two. This feels like a lot to me. Plus my kids have been sick this week. Emma started on Sunday and seems pretty much over it now. She went to her 2 hours of dance class tonight, so I'd say she's better. Rose has it now - threw up once and is just off and on feverish, with cold symptoms and extreme (cyclical) tiredness.
Today was my day to get most stuff sorted out for this party. Then the school called to say Rose needed to come home. Somehow I still managed to pull off most of what needed doing. I did think I'd like to go to the grocery store, but we didn't get there today. I was most excited to get cookies mixed, rolled, cut out and baked all before sick girl got home. She went straight to bed, so I had most of an hour to stay productive. And it mostly worked out.
Saturday morning will be finishing decorating and getting the table set up with treats while hubby takes Rose to dance (and hopefully Emma decides to go with so I can have more productive time!) There will also be last-minute tidying, and mummy-dog making for dinner with the party kids. I'm feeling more organized with this party than I usually feel for these things!
If you have any tips for kid parties (or Halloween parties) please do share - like game ideas or other easy to prepare fun snacks. I have a few days yet to finish organizing myself - and everyone else! And stay tuned to see how everything turns out. I'm sure another blog post will occur - maybe with photos!
If I don't post again before - Happy Halloween everyone! We're planning on a great time this year!
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