Emma participated in her first real runway fashion show at the
Cataraqui Centre last weekend. She got to wear Sears and I think she loved every minute of it!
Mode Elle provides the models and organizes most of this event.

The kids had a rehearsal Thursday night for 1 hour - it included trying on the clothes (then immediately taking them off so they were still in pristine condition for the show), and doing a practice runway walk. It went alright - busy, as there were a lot of kids, a lot clothes, and not a lot of listening. One of Emma's cousins is also with Mode Elle so she was there as well, but she models the womens clothes and had two 3-hour rehearsals. Glad we aren't involved with all the choreography yet!
Fashion Show Hair |
Saturday morning we got ourselves all ready - showered, dressed in easy-change clothes (for her) and something comfy for hanging at the mall all day (for me), snacks packed and camera ready-to-go. I had no idea whether I was supposed to do her hair, or if they may do it. It was a little lacking in the communication department as far as that goes. So after her hair was all dry and brushed I just twisted the front sections back and left it at that.
My Niece Colleen |
We got to the mall at 10:30 and started our day there with a snack. The coordinator woman had told us to meet at the stage for 10:45, so by 11:10 things finally started to happen. Everyone did a walk-through of the show with music but without the fashions on. Then it was quick-change time while I tried to snag (and keep) some seats up front for people to meet me at. It actually worked out fine, and I met some nice moms there.

After getting changed I left Emma with the other kids and mall people and went back to my seats to visit with my family for a bit before the show.
There were 2 shows, one at 12 and one at 2. I took pics at both, so I have tons of photos. It looked pretty professional (the shows, not my photos) and I was impressed with the various looks of all the models.
I'm still trying to master the integration of photos and text on my blog. I apologize if the loading is slow or it looks sloppy.

The show went on for at least 40 minutes, with lots of the models changing and returning to the stage in short order. The last number they did was to Madonna's "Vogue" and it was choreographed wonderfully.
Now I'm sure you're all wondering where my photos of Emma are. I just thought I would save the best for last! After going over with her the need to look like she's having fun and enjoying herself, I think it finally sank in. She put on a smile and walked down the runway like a pro!

I enjoyed my first "stage mom" job, although it won't stop me from grumbling about how long I had to be at the *mutter mutter* mall on a Saturday. The bright side was I had a lot of family and friends come by to see Emma (or I just flagged them down while they were shopping) so I wasn't really alone at all. That also means I barely had any time to read my book! I was somewhat looking forward to that, but I had fun anyway. Can't wait for next time!
Sounds like you all had a great time! In your words "Stage mom" job doesn't sound as scary as it is usually painted.
ReplyDeleteI did have a good time. The "stage mom" was really not so hard to take, especially in your own town. Emma is very independent as well - she actually told me I could go and she was fine with the other kids "backstage." It was a fun learning experience for both of us. Thanks for your comment!