Every year we do a corn maze. This year was no exception. Late in September we took a drive to our favourite apple orchard with a fun (and educational!) corn maze. Wynn Farms had a great maze again this year. The maze theme this year was Bees - how they help the apple trees, and what goes on in a bee hive. Emma was able to write down the letters for the "secret message" and read parts of all the signs. It was a fun day!

I won some tickets to Disney on Ice when that came through town. Emma and I got to go since it didn't start until Rose's bedtime. It was great fun, but I really could not get over the prices of the snacks and stuff - wow! That bag of popcorn in her hand cost us $15! Maybe that's because of the tiny bag they put it in (that was lost the next day in the house somewhere...)
We are doing dance every Saturday morning still, and this season Emma's dancing Wednesday nights for 2 hours. This past weekend there was a little excitement when a toddler pulled the fire alarm just as Rose's class was starting. We got to go outside and watch the fire trucks pull up - an adventure for the little ones for sure!
Thanksgiving was excellent this year as well. Two delicious dinners and two lovely weather days. We've been spoiled by going out to a family friend's for Patrick's family dinner - they have a huge property, with a big garden and a barn, a "pond" and, if the weather's right, a fire pit. Not to mention a giant house so we can all pile in and eat when the time is right! I made "grandma's buns" to take this year and they went over really well. We even managed a family photo!
Emma had a Halloween birthday party. It earned it's own blog post here. We had a lot of fun, but a bunch of kids in our small house creates a little tension. Next time - less children I think (and maybe not Halloween themed!)
Patrick and I went to local theatre production of The Rocky Horror Show. That was a good time. We even went in costume. I also crafted a blog post about our costume creating here. There are also pictures of the evening on my Facebook page Modern Moms Life - you may have to scroll down a bit, but there is also an album of our Halloween costumes and yard decor if you're interested!
Speaking of Halloween, that was a great night! The weather was nice, the girls got to trick-or-treat with friends this year, and the yard looked great! I actually saw one family where the kids were scared to come to the door. Made me a little sad, but also impressed by our Halloween-ness! Now we have more candy in our home than we have ever had before. Anyone one have ideas or recipes for using up tons of candy??
Well I guess that's a pretty long recap of what we've been up to lately. If you want to hear more specifics about any of these topics, request it in the comments please! And also let me know what fun things you've been up to with your families this fall season.
PS - it's so nice out today I went for a walk after hanging my clothes on the clothesline, and I saw fresh dandelions and 2 robins!